HYDR8ION – Get Hydrated

Get Hydrated with HYDR8ION ElectroLytes

Some of us just want to hydrate better and more effectively. I have friends and family that struggle with hydration. When I say struggle, I mean they drink lots of water but for various reasons (diet or physiology) they have hydration issues that are often manifested by way of headaches, fitful sleep, fatigue, incontinence, muscle cramps, and/or hot flashes. Often these issues can be remedied with proper hydration.

What does “proper hydration” even mean? For some it means just drinking more water. For others it means taking some electrolytes to facilitate that “proper hydration”. Which leads to the next question…How do electrolytes help with “proper hydration”?

Electrolytes are water optimizers….What does that mean? Electrolytes help get the water you drink out of your stomach and into your body (to your muscles) where it is needed. They help balance (or regulate) the fluid in your body.

How important are electrolytes to hydration? Well, considering that our bodies are comprised of approximately 75% water…Electrolytes are VERY important to “proper hydration”.


While water content in the body varies with age here are some guidelines:

Brain: 80-85% water

Heart: 75-80% water

Kidneys: 80-85% water

Lungs: 75-89% water

Liver: 70-75% water

Muscles: 70-75% water

Skin: 70-75% water

Blood: 50% water

What does that all mean? It means that water is VITAL to every function in your body and essential to your overall health, and HYDR8ION ElectroLytes can help with “proper hydration”.

What are HYDR8ION ElectroLytes?

  • HYDR8ION ElectroLytes are a…Fast…Easy…Effective…and Safe way to better hydration.
    Electrolytes in a capsule…easy to use and convenient for on the go, no mess and no aftertaste.
  • HYDR8ION are water optimizers….What does that mean? HYDR8ION help get the water you drink out of your stomach and into your body (to your muscles) where it is needed.
  • Better hydration = Better everything

How does HYDR8ION compare to sports drinks?

  • Capsule form for immediate results. You do not have to drink an entire bottle of sports drink mix to some electrolytes into your body.
  • No Sugar, No Calories, No Caffeine/Stimulants. All the benefits of the electrolytes without the downside of a sugar crash…Compare that with other hydration products on the market and you’ll see why HYDR8ION is the clear choice for maximum performance and faster recovery.
  • No Calories in HYDR8ION so you won’t drink yourself into a fat body.
  • Nutrition / Hydration is not one-size-fits-all, with HYDR8ION capsules you can tailor intake based on individual need, as evidenced by our customer base that ranges in age from 12 to 84.

HYDR8ION ElectroLytes…are they legal / safe?

  • Yes, HYDR8ION are legal and safe…and made in the U.S.A.
  • HYDR8ION have been tested for banned substances and are certified clean and compliant with the anti-doping policies of all sports. So safe in fact, that my kids take them.

How can HYDR8ION benefit me?

Pick a situation that applies to you to find out more about how HYDR8ION can help you.